June 21, 2012

City Of Bay Watch

When I was young we didn't have many rules at our household. There were in fact only two rules: 1) Be polite & nice to everybody & 2) Finish your food. And, secretly, there were times when we didn't follow them. Oh, we did get caught. After all there are only so many innovative ways of getting rid of a glass of milk.

The point is I grew up watching Santa Barbara and The Bold And The Beautiful. And then Bay Watch. Oh the times when Mitch ran across the beach. And for the life of me I couldn't understand why the other parents fussed so much about watching these soaps or series or whatever. It was only natural I wanted be running along with them in that beautiful city of Bay Watch.

Well, I'm here now. Not exactly running. Sleeping most of yesterday to be precise.

I can't wait to go to the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, Venice Beach, Hollywood City etc etc. But for obvious reasons it's taking me time to turn into a Tourist Ninja. For starters, unlike London, the public transport system SUCKS. So I'll have to find my way around here...and look for the best ways to travel. If anyone, from LA if reading this...please be nice enough to leave some tips.I'll write a whole post on you and your blog. Doesn't matter how crappy unique or offbeat it is. And I'm loving this perfect beach weather...

Then I will meet Jackass. Yes, the same one who runs in lightning speed during an earthquake. Ooooh...I cannot wait.

PS: Mr. B is is the WORST when it comes to long distance communication. Laziness thy name is ...well, that's only for me to know :) For all of you it's still Mr. B.

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