June 23, 2012

Of Birthdays, Cheap Flights & Stirring In The Heart

So in exactly 5 mins it's P's birthday. Apart from being completely attuned to the time difference I do keep my laptop in India time whenever I travel, like you may know. Also, just like last year I'm missing P's birthday. Again! This obviously sucks more than gravity itself. But anyways... Happy Birthday, P!

And in other things, it pays to be an internet whore. Because this means you dig out EXTREMELY cheap flights to go meet your friend! It's just one of those things that I'm blessed with. Super bargains on the internet, that's my thing.

And alsoit was Life List decision making struggle while I decided if a weekend in Vegas is what I wanted or a few days in NYC.  While Vegas is what I want to do because...well, it's Vegas, NYC is something of a fantasy I've nursed for a very long time. I've always thought I'd feel a stirring in my heart when I finally saw the city. Saw the skyline. And stirring in the heart is always a good winner.

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